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3 Signs Your Child Could Be Suffering from ADHD

Jan 17, 2023
3 Signs Your Child Could Be Suffering from ADHD
If a child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and it’s untreated, this could keep the youngster from reaching their full potential. Without treatment, a child can face a host of social, academic, and developmental challenges.

If your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), getting treatment is crucial. Therefore, it’s important to look for potential signs of the condition and have them assessed if needed.

At WellMind Behavioral Health & Wellness in Cordova, Tennessee, our experienced providers are dedicated to helping children with ADHD live positive, fulfilling lives. At our practice, we offer the QbTest, which is an advanced computer-based tool that helps us diagnose ADHD by measuring attention, impulsivity, and activity.

In this blog, we explain some of the signs of ADHD and what’s involved in the QbTest.

Spotting the signs of ADHD 

It’s imperative to have a specialist assess your child. ADHD may present as hyperactive-impulsive, inattentive, or a combination of both. What’s more, some symptoms of ADHD are shared with other neurodevelopmental issues, such as dyslexia

Here are some signs that your child may benefit from an ADHD assessment:

Challenges with schoolwork

Children with ADHD may have trouble starting or finishing school assignments, following instructions, and absorbing information. They may also procrastinate, become agitated, or make a series of simple mistakes. 


Because ADHD can impact higher order functioning, children with ADHD often have trouble planning and organizing. Their backpack, desk, or school locker may be messy. They may also frequently misplace school materials, have trouble organizing school work, or find it challenging to follow a conversation.

Trouble sitting still

Some children with ADHD have symptoms of hyperactivity. It may be difficult for them to sit still for 20 minutes or more at a time. They may squirm in their seat, fidget, tap their feet, or interrupt class inappropriately.

If these issues occur in multiple settings, such as at school and at home, your child may be struggling with the symptoms of ADHD. Left untreated, children with ADHD are at higher risk of falling behind at school and becoming socially isolated due to social challenges. 

ADHD and the QbTest

If symptoms persist for at least six months and interfere with your child’s ability to function, schedule an assessment with us at WellMind Behavioral Health & Wellness. 

The QbTest is done in front of a computer screen, where your child completes an exercise that requires focus and attention. The exercise is intentionally designed to be boring. An infrared sensor and a headband are used to assess activity. 

During the test, which lasts 15-20 minutes, the sensor monitors the movement of the headband. The test measures your child’s performance and compares it to a group of children of the same gender and age without ADHD. 

The QbTest can help increase the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the ADHD assessment process. Furthermore, if we diagnose your child with ADHD, we can use the QbTest to assess whether a specific treatment is working.

With an accurate diagnosis and treatment, you can help your child manage their ADHD symptoms and improve their quality of life. To schedule an assessment for your child, call 901-883-7083 or book an appointment online with WellMind Behavioral Health & Wellness today.